Category: Food

  • On Weight Loss and Taking a Gym Hiatus

    On Weight Loss and Taking a Gym Hiatus

    Today’s blog post is going to be a bit more personal, but it’s one that I wanted to share. I don’t know exactly when I first started noticing that something was off, but I had been experiencing issues with my breathing for some time. I’m not sure if it was the extremely arid Arizona climate,…

  • Boris and Horton

    Boris and Horton

    195 Avenue A, New York, NY 10009 Boris and Horton has stolen my heart. As someone constantly on the hunt for the best espresso and/or cold brew in the city, I tend to bounce around to different coffee shops without returning to many. But Boris and Horton has something special that will keep me coming…

  • Two Boots Williamsburg

    Two Boots Williamsburg

    558 Driggs Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11211 “Wait, but what about pizza?!” Since moving to New York City as a vegan, this question has become my constant companion. Without fail, people ask me about it every time my lifestyle comes up, which is understandable, since pizza is also a lifestyle around here. But those lifestyles aren’t…

  • What I’ve learned about vegan nutrition

    What I’ve learned about vegan nutrition

            As someone who has been through a veritable rollercoaster of health and fitness in the past few years, I’ve come to believe in one rule above all others: listen to your body. Through every manner of diet imaginable, from 60 lbs heavier than I am to 15 lbs lighter, from running sprints to lifting…